"Grand Theft Auto V" has earned approximately $1 billion in sales in just three days after its release back in September. Lindsay Lohan is now reportedly pursuing legal action against Rockstar Games, the developer behind the extremely popular video game, for using her image without permission on the promotional material and advertisement.

One of the tiles on the "GTA V" cover and many advertisement of the video game feature a woman who takes a photo of herself on the beach, while sporting her long blonde hair and a red bikini. In the actual game, the same character attempts to escape from paparazzi chasing her and gets persuaded into filming a sex tape at a hotel that resembles the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, one of Lohan's favorite spots in real life.

The "Mean Girls" actress claims that the bikini-clad woman in the video game has a distinct resemblance to her. Lindsay Lohan persistently believes that the promo material for the latest installment of the video game is based on her likeness of physical appearance and personal life. Consequently, the 27-year-old actress has ordered her lawyers to craft a lawsuit, and her attorneys are said to be demanding Rockstar Games to pay for stealing Lohan's image in the game.

On the other hand, in reality, the cover girl illustration in question is actually intended to resemble model Shelby Welinder, who has confirmed that she was hired by Rockstar for the "GTA V" cover and advertisement in late 2012.