If you're like most Americans, you've got April 15 circled on your calendar, and Tax Day is not exactly a date you look forward to. But the Internal Revenue Service is not known for caring too much about your feelings, so your income taxes will be due just as they are every year.

"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes," Benjamin Franklin famously quipped. But of course, the latter is not necessarily a bad thing for everybody: If you happen to be an accountant or an IRS auditor, you might actually have a reason to celebrate tax day.

And as an upstanding citizen, you might at least appreciate that the money you hand over -- sometimes -- pays for all those freeways and police cars and public services. So if you want to adopt a more positive -- or at least humorous -- attitude toward April 15, take a look at some of the tax-inspired iPhone 6 cases we have discovered.

Even if you don't want them clipped to your smartphone all year round, the least they can do for you is remind you that by mid-April, you do need to postmark that letter to the IRS:

  • You get to look at it once a year, every year -- and it only seems to become more and more mysterious: But Zazzle has turned the (in)famous "Income Tax Form 1040" into a nifty iPhone 6 case that protects your device thanks to its impact-resistant, hard-plastic design. And as long as your refund amounts to at least $47.95, you're good to go.

  • Speaking of that tax return ... If you're waiting -- or hoping -- for something a little more substantial, consider Fine Art America's iPhone 6 case featuring an accountant holding a huge bag of money. And this impact-resident, slim-profile, hard-shell case is itself a bargain, as well: It will set you back a mere $40.

  • Even more affordable is Redbubble's "extremely durable" and shatterproof iPhone 6 case, whose lightest version is available for just $16.25. This design features a message that will let your friends and colleagues know exactly how you feel about April 15: "I Can't Keep Calm. It's Tax Season!"