Paola Mejía lives in one of Honduras' most disadvantaged communities, but that has not kept the 14-year-old from becoming an Internet sensation with her viral "How to Be Poor" videos, the Daily Mail reported.

Instead of complaining about the things she does not have, the charming Mejía created a series of funny YouTube episodes in which she talks about saving money and being happy with what she has; she shops for bargains, finds food on the cheap and straightens her hair using a clothes iron and a pillow. The message? You can "save yourself" the trip to the beauty salon.

In her hometown of San Pedro Sula, a city of about 440,000 inhabitants in northwestern Honduras, Mejía has become a local celebrity thanks to her videos, Fox News Latino noted.

"I started doing it for fun with my (Facebook) friends, but they started sharing them until it came to the level it is now," she said. "Now, in addition to fun, (I want to) bring a positive message."

Her motto, "Be humble," is "quite direct and has a nice ring to it," FNL judged, adding that Mejia is the daughter of a maquiladora worker and a stay-at-home mom.

"We are a humble family because we don't have a lot of things," she said. "But with the little we have we are very happy; during the day there is always something to laugh about."

With her clips garnering worldwide fame, companies have begun approaching Paola about sponsorships, "meaning that she could soon be paid to shill for discount products and stores," BBC reported.

Her success has not changed her, Mejía said, but she would gladly accept if it helped improve her family's life.

"I am rich, because I am the daughter of the owner of the world: God," she explained. "And (as for being) wealthy -- well, that is not a goal in my life, but I hope someday I get a good job to be able to give my family a better life."

However, her fame may have been too much. According to La Prensa de Honduras, Mejia has announced she will no longer upload videos to social media.