South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham announced on Monday that he will officially launch his bid in the 2016 presidential election on June 1.

"I will make an announcement on June 1st. You're all invited to come -- spend money when you do -- and I will tell you what I'm going to do about running for president," Graham said on CBS "This Morning," reports The Washington Post.

In light of the unrest and crisis in the Middle East, the third-term Republican senator said his expertise in foreign policy will make him the most suitable candidate for the job.

"I'm running because I think the world is falling apart," Graham said during the interview, according to The Associated Press.

Known for his sharp criticism of President Barack Obama's foreign and military policy, the South Carolina senator said that the recent ISIS victory in the Iraqi city of Ramadi is further proof that the U.S. must use aggression in the region.

He added that at least 10,000 ground troops are needed to help train Iraqi security forces to serve as a functional national army.

"I've been more right than wrong on foreign policy," Graham said. "It's not the fault of others, their lack of this or that that makes me want to run. It's my ability in my own mind to be a good commander in chief and to make Washington work."

"I'm afraid more American soldiers will die in Iraq and eventually in Syria to protect our homeland," he said.

Grahman plans to make the announcement in his hometown of Central, South Carolina.

Last week, it was reported that former Texas Gov. Rick Perry will decide in early June whether or not he will run in the 2016 presidential race.

Other popular GOP hopefuls include Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rand Paul, Sen. Ted Cruz and former Florida governor Jeb Bush.