With "The Flash" season having recently ended, there is speculation as to what audiences will see in the upcoming second season.

While filming has not begun, "The Flash" star Grant Gustin left some hints as to how the series would continue. One of the hints he left was that CW would try to explore the parallel universes that DC comics created. He said, "What's fun about this show is that there's going to be multiple timelines as we move forward. I think we're going to start showing Earth-One and Earth-Two in the near future."

Gustin's Earth-One refers to where the current generation of DC superheroes operate and Earth-Two was where the original versions of the characters lived. If the series decides to play with these dimensions then it is likely Eobard Thawne, the main villain of the first series, could return.

The producers of the show recently noted that Tom Cavanagh, who plays the villain in the series, will be back. Producer Andrew Kreisberg told the Hollywood Reporter, "Tom Cavanagh will be back. That is not in question. Tom Cavanagh will continue to be a regular."

The CW has already promised to introduce beloved comic characters as well as bring back some of the heroes from the first series and develop them further.

The CW had a successful run with the first season of "The Flash" and immediately ordered a second season. The show obtained rave reviews as critics said the show had a great mix of action and good characters. The next season is set to see Gustin return as the Flash, Candice Patton as Iris West, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon and Cavanagh as Dr. Harrison Welles.

The next season of "The Flash" is slated to premiered on Oct. 6 on the CW.