Episode 5 of "Wayward Pines, "The Truth," offered fans significant insight into the threat residents' face beyond the town' fence. Ben Burke and fellow students learned the truth from school teacher Mrs. Fisher, but they cannot tell their parents because they won't be able to handle it, as they're told.

"You were chosen to assure the survival of the human race," Mrs. Fisher told the kids.

Fisher revealed to her students that the town's people are living in the year 4028. Humans have evolved into violent monstrous aberrations or "Abbies" as they are called. Abbies live in the area around Wayward Pines. The fences surrounding the creepy town were erected to protect residents from them.

Abbie are genetically mutated humans that have evolved into the most efficient predators on earth, Fisher explained. If you come upon one, it will likely attack and devour you within minutes. They mostly travel in herds, she said.

Ethan climbed over the fence and explored what use to be Boise, Idaho. Every bit of human civilization was in ruins. The Abbies stalked Ethan until he was rescued by Dr. Jenkins who arrived by helicopter. The doctor revealed his real identity to Ethan -- that he is David Pilcher -- and in the closing scene said that he'd show Ethan what Wayward Pines truly is.

In Episode 6 of "Wayward Pines," "Choices," Ethan Burke meets the personnel who watch over the town, tours official town facilities and learns the town's complete history. 

Kate and Harold Hewson plan a covert operation, but we don't know why or what it will be. In Episode 2, the couple exposed Beverly, which led to her reckoning and death.

Ethan's wife, Theresa Burke, finds a map at the realty office that shows an unusual plot of land. She decides to investigate what might be hiding there. Could this be another test or trap orchestrated by the people governing Wayward Pines? Or, could it be a clue about the town's history or the Abbies?

It seems that people from the past have been taken into the creepy town as a way to help humanity survive; so that not everyone becomes an Abbie. We know that humans leave Wayward Pines, such as Dr. Jenkins, who we saw in Seattle talking to Ethan's boss. Hopefully Episode 6 will give us more answers.

Watch "Choices"June 25 at 9 p.m. ET on Fox.

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