In order to keep your relationship you have to master the art of experimenting. What's your favorite place to get frisky? It seems like Zac Efron likes to get us gals all hot because he's sharing his favorite spot to have sex.

Want to keep your relationship? Well, one out of a few important factors is "the sex." What new things are you trying in the bedroom? Where are you crazy kids sneaking over to? We are definitely staying away from sex on tree branches, but we do recommend a safer place... your own home. So how can this be adventurous? Well, get out of the bedroom!

So if you live in NYC you might live in a box described as an apartment by realtors. In that case, you have to get creative with the walls... if you know what I mean (I don't even know what I mean). But if you don't, you can try it the Efron way. "You have to explore the space. I'm a big fan of the kitchen table," said the That Awkward Moment star said as he walked out of the airport in New York.

Yes, photographers like to be creative while they stalk celebrities at airports, so these are the convos they have. Zac also threw some shade at The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, saying that the movie is "a deal breaker, even ten minutes of the best sex is not worth sitting through [it]." Whoa, Efron... Sisterhood is girly and mushy, but is it that bad? Guess we can see why men would hate it actually, sorry Blake Lively.

Anyway, back to Zac Efron and his perfection. So ladies, how do you feel about Zac's favorite spot? Do you like the kitchen table? How long ago did you stop reading this and got lost in an Efron fantasy? Yeah... figures. Other than having sex on kitchen tables, the 26-year-old star has made a successful comeback after rehab with his movie That Awkward Moment in theaters Jan. 31.

Who's watching the movie? And who is climbing on a kitchen table right now? Actually, don't answer that last question, we don't really want to know.