You have to give Rob Ford credit for having chutzpah: he's talked about smoking crack. He's talked about, uh, "dining at the V" on his wife. He's pushed over an old lady with no regrets or remorse. And now, in celebration of the upcoming Caribana celebration in Toronto (seriously, you have to see this celebration to believe it), Rob Ford has now taken to the YouTube airwaves to speak Jamaican.

This is definitely a video you're going to want to watch with the volume turned ALL the way up.

Someone caught the ballsy Toronto mayor in a restaurant speaking Jamaican...or what he claims to be Jamaican, but is really just a stereotypical faux Jamaican patois. (Think Doug E. Doug and Ziggy Marley as the rasta-ed out jellyfish in Shark Tale.)

The funniest part of the video is Ford's repeated use of the words "bumbaclot" and "bumba ras clot." Easy as those words may be to say, they're actually not words to say in polite company in Jamaica: "bumbaclot" and "bumba ras clot" refer to a bloody tampon and a cloth used to wipe one's dirty butt respectively.(You stay classy, Rob Ford.) Jamaicans often use that word in place of the less-polite F-word, as though being a used sanitary product is preferable to being part of an intimate, and hopefully pleasurable, act.

Don't ask me how I know these things.

Needless to say, according to The Huffington Post, when confronted with this latest bit of so-bad-its-good awesomeness (seriously, why couldn't Mayor Marion Barry be this awesome when he was smoking crack?), Ford admitted (shockingly, I know) that he was drinking with friends, and had a little too much of the Jesus Juice, hence the "bumbaclot" mess. Ford initially promised that he was "done with drinking" after he admitted to smoking crack "in a drunken stupor." (Because don't we all crave a crack rock when we've had a little too much to drink?)

And of course, in the interest of damage control, Ford's friends whom he claimed to be with at the time deny that they were with him, and insist that the video wasn't taken on Monday (as was initially claimed). Right.

Peep the awesome below.