A new “Deadpool” still image has just been released and it shows the titular superhero in full gear. Ryan Reynolds is seen perfectly channeling his hard R-rated character, Wade Wilson, who is quite famous for his loud, sarcastic mouth.

Although his loudness and crassness may get the best of him oftentimes, Deadpool is also known by his fans for speaking from his heart.

Deadpool was first featured in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” in 2009. Ryan Reynolds portrayed the character in a rather downplayed version, only two years before Reynolds set forth to making his own solo feature for another titular superhero, “Green Lantern.”

This new project, though, seems to indicate that Reynolds will be portraying a character that is more violent and obscene, just like the Deadpool that was depicted in the story’s source material.

“‘Deadpool’ is a hard R,” confirmed producer Simon Kinberg of “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” according to Entertainment Weekly. “It is graphic. Nothing is taboo. You either commit to a truly outrageous boundary pushing kind of movie, or you do not.”

Although “Deadpool” is a Marvel film and has certain attachments to the “X-Men” universe, director Tim Miller believes that “Fight Club” was a more similar product to it. “We are in strip clubs and dive bars and crappy apartments and far away from the shiny ‘X-Men’ world,” Miller said.

Fortunately for fans who have been speculating about precisely how crass Deadpool is going to be, for the film to merit a hard R rating, a test footage that was made in 2011 was leaked online. They have the tipster to thank for since the studio would not have felt compelled to give the project a go without it. The leaked video prompted Marvel fans to create an extended fan base for the "Deadpool" franchise.

Still, since the events in “Deadpool” will be taking place in the same universe as the “X-Men” franchise, it is expected that Wade Wilson will also be seen living quite nicely with relatively pleasant things, only to have him destroy them in a couple of minutes.

Kinberg has revealed to IGN a couple of months ago that “X-Men: Apocalypse” will be affecting how the upcoming “X-Men” films will play out.

“The aftermath of ‘Apocalypse’ is something that will impact, really, the course of history in the world,” said Kinberg. “I would say that, certainly, the films will all be informed by one another.”

Cinema Blend also confirms that the events in the upcoming “Deadpool” movie will pick up on the events from “X-Men: Apocalypse.”