"Mr. Robot" and his crew are going on the road with a mission.

In this week's episode of "Mr. Robot," Elliot and Fsoicety travels to upstate New York with a mission to infiltrate and hack Steel Mountain. Elliot is in a whole different world as he will try to channel his inner Ethan Hunt and place a bug in the building. According to CarterMatt, the summary for the next episode, "eps1.4_3xpl0its.wmv," is as follows:

"fsociety arrives @ steel mountain - most secure data facility in USA. elliot needs to get in and get out-wuz he pwned?"

It would be very interesting to see how Elliot will infiltrate this compound. In the last episode, Elliot had all these hallucinations. As we get deeper into the season, we get to know Elliot a little better. He almost jeopardized the mission because of his hallucinations and let his colleagues down.

In the promo below, a lot of things stand out. First, Mr. Robot engages in one of the biggest freak-outs in the season. The other subplot of the series: Does Angela want to sabotage Allsafe? During the last episode, she tried to sabotage it, but was afraid she will get caught. Since the hacker has her personal information, will she risk it all just to protect herself?

This episode could change the way the season goes. Will Elliot get caught by security? Will Evil Corp have a role in it?

Rami Malek, who plays Elliot Alderson, explained the hallucinations in the last episode during an interview with the Wall Street Journal

"Sam Esmail doesn't do anything without intention. So even as abstract as those moments are, they're all relevant to Elliot's psyche and what's going on in his subconscious," he explained. "How they surface in his dream is a clue to who Elliot is, the kind of man he's striving to become, and the fears he feels are tying him down."

"Mr. Robot" airs Wednesday at 10 p.m. on USA. 

Check out the promo of the next episode below: