Arizona Sen. John McCain took several sharp jabs at 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and compared to him a pig while speaking in his home state on Wednesday.

When questioned about his feud with Trump at a town hall meeting in Tucson, the Republican senator likened Trump to a pig that likes to get dirty.

"I don't like to respond to Mr. Trump because of the old line 'When you get in a wrestling match with a pig you both get dirty and the pig likes it,'" McCain said to an audience of nearly 100 workers at the aircraft maintenance facility, according to Tuscon News Now. "Next time, ask the question, 'What has Donald Trump done for the country?' That's a legitimate question."

Trump, who is the current GOP frontrunner in the 2016 race, has made a number of controversial comments during his campaign. In addition to calling Mexican immigrants drug traffickers and rapists during his presidential election announcement speech, the billionaire real estate mogul undercut McCain's creditability as a prisoner of war.

When asked about Trump's theatrics, McCain acknowledged that Trump has brought the race more publicity, but criticized him for attacking other Republicans.

"Donald Trump was a factor in the 24 million people who viewed the debate we recently held but at the same time I believe that Mr. Trump, by attacking people who were prisoners or other things at one time, that's not helpful to the debate," McCain said. "[Trump] recently said he was a Ronald Reagan type. Reagan said we should observe the '11th Commandment,' that is you do not speak ill of your fellow Republicans and Mr. Trump obviously spends most of his time attacking other Republican candidates in what is frankly a more unusual way than I've seen in recent campaigns."

McCain was also asked about the reality TV star's chances of winning the Republican nomination for president.

"I rely on the good judgment of our voters as they get to know the candidates," McCain said. "I don't think there is any doubt his unfavorables continue to climb. That's a judgment I'll let the American people make."

The feud between McCain and Trump began on July 11, when McCain said Trump was "(firing) up the crazies" while speaking at a rally in Phoenix.

In response, Trump shot, saying McCain is "a war hero because he was captured" and that he prefers "people that weren't captured."

Trump also criticized the 78-year-old military veteran's record on helping other vets in an op-ed published on USA Today.