People are waiting in anticipation as rumors surrounding a possible second generation update to Motorola's smartwatch, the Moto 360, recently climaxed with the release of a photo showing what may be the Moto 360 2 on the arm of a Chicago commuter.

Gerrit Gödecke snapped the sneaky watch shots of what looked like a Moto 360 - but not exactly like the traditional Moto 360 that was released last year - on the wrist of a fellow commuter on the train in Chicago.

As Gödecke explained noted in his Google+ post, which included two photos of the device, Chicago is probably the best place to catch a new Motorola device in the wild:

Did I just see the Moto 360 2 in the wild...?

On a Chicago commuter train (where you have a good chance of catching Motorola employees) a guy's wrist caught my eye because of his smartwatch. Looks to me like a Moto 360 with traditional lugs. It matches the renders that became available earlier (incl. the button on the right side that has been moved up to the two o'clock position). Unfortunately it really looks like the flat tire is still there...

The changes to the lug placement he's referring to were detailed in a previously leaked photo on a Weibo account belonging to none other than (Motorola parent company) Lenovo CEO Yang Yuanqing (via DroidLife).

The same goes for the "flat tire," a rare Moto feature that didn't go over with fans in the first generation, but appears to be present in both the Chicago train photo and the previous accidental Weibo posting.

While that might be disappointing to many, the run-up to the Moto 360 2 - which is rumored to up the previous generation's specs with a 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400- system on a chip, 4GB of storage, and a 360 x 360p round screen - seems to be accelerating towards a possible release date in late 2015. And flat tire or not, that's great news.