Sony recently announced the free games list for September 2015.

Next month's lineup is a special one for PlayStation Plus members. It will mark the first time they got to vote on which free game gets to be included in their monthly subscription.

PS gamers subscribe to PlayStation Plus for $10 each month to have access to the console's online multiplayer capability. While the deal also includes free games, it isn't always a great bargain for the paying public.

"The many discounts and savings are welcome but PlayStation Plus subscribers aren't always happy with the choice of games on offer," Gamer Rant explained.

Some subscribers even feel hoodwinked since some of the free games just take a short time to complete like "Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes."

Sony has since addressed the issue this month via the "Vote to Play" campaign. The campaign called upon PS Plus members to vote on which game should be included for free for the month of September. The week long voting closed over the weekend which was eventually followed by Sony's announcement on Monday.

"Your voices have been heard," Ryan Clements from Sony wrote on the company's official US blogsite. "We're delighted to reveal your selection, and the first title in next month's free games lineup: Grow Home on PS4."

In "Grow Home," gamers play as BUD (Botanical Utility Droid), a robot traveling the cosmos in search of the Star Plant to save his home planet. Gamers will be immersed in a strange open-world, which has caves, waterfalls, and a planet of floating islands. All of which are rendered in a minimalist but vibrant art style. Gamers will have to grow the precious Star Plant and use BUD's unique climbing abilities to reach even higher ground.

PS4 subscribers who voted for "Armello" or "Zombie Vikings" shouldn't worry since as a consolation, they can buy the games at a 30 percent discount from Sept. 1 to Sept. 15 in the PlayStation Store.

PS4 subscribers will also be treated to "Super Time Force Ultra," an action-packed time-traversing game. Rounding out the free games for the PS4 are "Xeodrifter" and "Teslagrad."

"In Xeodrifter, players explore alien planets in an effort to find secrets that will help them return home. While Teslagrad is a side-scroller platform game that challenges players with increasingly difficult puzzles," Game Rant explained in another report.

"Teslagard" will also be free for PS3 subscribers along with the no-holds-barred racing game "Twisted Metal." PS Plus members on the PS Vita will have "Super Time Force Ultra," "Xeodrifter," and "La Mulana EX."

These PS Plus free games will be available in the PlayStation Store starting on the first Tuesday of September 2015.