Bungie has great plans ahead for its multiplayer game "Destiny" as it unveils its plan to slowly usher in the game's MMO/FPS capacity with its latest update Patch 2.0. The new patch is expected to usher in major changes to the shooting software and interface of the game, including the addition of the "Mercy Rule."

In a statement shared on Bungie's official website, Senior Designer Andrew Weldon explains the "Mercy Rule" in the new patch, called "Destiny: The Taken King" and how it affects gamers' matches in the Crucible.

"When the Mercy Rule hits, Shaxx will call out the end of the match. We immediately disable join in progress to prevent any additional players from joining the game (if anyone has dropped already) and reset the game clock to 10 seconds. After those 10 seconds, the match will end normally. All players will receive their end of match rewards and return to matchmaking," he said.

In his Bungie post, Weldon said the "Mercy Rule" is aimed to stop bad matches the soonest time possible, reduce the likelihood of gamers taking part in a bad game through the join in process and lastly, aims to discourage players from quitting the match by giving them full-end match rewards. Weldon added that "Mercy Rule" is only applicable to all team playlist except for Elimination and Trials of Osiris.

Bungie says Patch 2.0 will bring in "Year Two" of "Destiny" that will definitely change the way fans play the game. Among the expected changes that will happen once "Taken King" launches on Sept. 15 include a character level cap increase of 34 for all gamers. Level cap for the "Taken King," however, will be at 40.

Patch 2.0 will reportedly also change from the light-based levelling system to the experienced-based leveling system. As Bungie puts it, "Character Level and Light are now separate statistics," so gamers who have yet to hit the 34 cap can do so just by playing the game.

Another patch note players need to watch out for in "Taken King is the change in the attack and defense ratings. However, the attack and defense power of these weapons will remain unchanged, says Bungie.

A new quest menu system will reportedly also be included in Patch 2.0. "Destiny" players can now easily keep track of their bounties and missions in an organized manner. These updates in the menu system will reportedly also store the gamer's previous quests in Year 1.

The Crucible will be open to "Destiny" players who wants to get an advance experience of "The Taken King," only until such time when the full Patch 2.0 update launches on Sept. 15. Those who have abandoned bounties and decided to install the patch on Tuesday risk losing the bounties.