The gaming world has evolved in so many ways, but despite it all, gaming consoles remain the firm platform of all the video games. Players have built their empires through these consoles, and there's no doubt about the deep console-gamer relationship that has been cultivated through the years.

However, just like any other technology-based platform, it will eventually turn into something more modern. Soon, stories about gaming consoles will be a thing of the past. Xbox executive Phil Spencer thinks otherwise, as he firmly believes that the gaming console has something that no other type of virtual reality (VR) will compare to.

In his statement featured on Attack of the Fan Boy, he said, "It would be too bad if all gaming became people with head mounted displays on, headphones on, kind of blocked out from everything that happens."

Spencer believes that someday, virtual reality gaming can potentially be a threat to the current gaming consoles, but if that happens, he wishes that it won't be virtual reality all the way. Gaming console platforms will still be in the market along with virtual reality games, but not to eliminate everything and turn them into virtual reality systems.

A self-confessed fan of virtual reality games, Spencer implied that there are things that are most likely fitted to virtual reality, but, essentially, some are more exciting on the conventional gaming consoles. 

He also added, "I think there's a place for VR, I think it's really cool to see the innovation. Gaming is taking a role in the forefront, because VR will touch more things than just gaming."

According to Gamasutra, Microsoft has subtly looked towards the world of virtual reality games, a little less excited than their counterpart Sony, which already delved in developing their own virtual reality platform. Microsoft, on the other hand, chose another party to partner with and test their capacity to develop a virtual reality platform of their own. The latest in the company's quest for the new-generation gaming experience has been their prototypes of reality headsets called the "Hololens," wherein players can actually see and manipulate holograms via the device.

The coming of virtual reality and augmented reality gaming is undeniable, but, if it has to happen, the Xbox executive hopes that it won't push them aside. Instead, it will serve as an option or additional gaming platform that needs to be explored and enjoyed just like the conventional gaming platforms. Despite the idea, it may take years before virtual reality gaming can actually take over gaming consoles.