Russian airlines have been banned from entering into the Ukraine as the tensions between the two neighbors continue. The ban would beging next month.

In a government decree released Friday, Ukraine has announced the prohibition of flights from Russian airlines, specifically pointing out the companies Aeroflot and Transaero. 

As RT reports, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said, “The flights of the Russian airlines through the Ukrainian territory have been banned, should they contain cargos of military or dual purpose or soldiers.”

“Airlines with the Russian tricolor have no reason to be in Ukrainian airports,” the prime minister told the Ukrainian government cabinet.

Relations between Moscow and Kiev have been volatile since Crimea voted to rejoin Russia in 2014.

A spokeswoman for Ukraine’s Ministry of Infrastructure confirmed the ban, in effect on Oct. 25, would be at the “beginning of the winter navigation period.”

Aeroflot has said it was not informed about the ban prior to Ukraine's decision. Deutsche Welle reports the company’s official statement regarding the ban indicates, "Only when and if Aeroflot receives official notification from the aviation authorities of Ukraine that flights have been canceled will the company inform passengers and explain the rules on ticket reimbursement."

In more diplomatic news, Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin will meet with U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday. The Kremlin and White House have announced that the two world leaders will meet formally for the first time in two years.

AFP quotes White House spokesman Josh Earnest as saying, "The president did make a decision that it was worth it at this point to engage with President Putin in a face-to-face meeting to see if the interests of the United States could be advanced."

"I think it is fair for you to say that based on the repeated requests we've seen from the Russians, that they are quite interested in having a conversation with President Obama," Earnest said.