A Colombian-born woman claims she saw Donald Trump in her dreams days before she had the chance to take the stage with him and voice her unwavering support for his 2016 Republican presidential run.

Myriam Witcher now finds herself in the vast minority as one of a dwindling number of Latinos to be publicly showing their support for Trump's run for the Oval Office. But she insists her enthusiasm for him and his campaign policies are unwavering.

"Three nights before he came to Las Vegas I told my husband, 'Oh I have a dream, you cannot imagine, I saw Mr. Trump in my dreams,' and I saw him, like I had the opportunity to give him a hug," she told CNN.

Long before the Las Vegas campaign event during which she was brought on the stage and introduced by Trump, Witcher had regularly expressed on his Facebook page just how much she is in lockstep with his policies, but insists the Trump campaign never reached out to her before the event in Las Vegas.

Somewhat miraculously, Witcher was picked from an overflow crowd to join Trump on stage after he observed her in the crowed holding a People magazine that features him and his family on the cover and her exclaiming, "I am Hispanic and I vote for Mr. Trump. We vote for Mr. Trump!"

On Friday, Witcher insisted that it does not bother her in the least bit that Trump has vowed to deport some 11 million immigrants in less than two years if he is elected president and has described undocumented Mexican immigrants are "rapists" and "killers."

She added, "It doesn't bother me at all. Mr. Trump he is 100% right. He is our perfect man. He is my perfect man ... everything he says is absolutely right."

Witcher claims she became a Trump fan after reading his books and learning of his charity work.

Meanwhile and despite what poll numbers reveal, Trump has long insisted to reporters "Latinos love Trump."