A Donald Trump supporter allegedly spat on the face of an immigration activist during a rally for the leading Republican 2016 presidential candidate earlier this week.

The encounter took place during a Wednesday night rally, right around the time an activist dared to interrupt Trump, currently the front-runner for the Republican Party's presidential nomination.

The billionaire real estate mogul had started talking the Democratic presidential candidates' giving "free stuff" to "illegal immigrants" when the incident unfolded. During his speech, Trump used this week's Democratic presidential debate, where leading rivals Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders outlined their support in providing certain services to undocumented immigrants, as proof of his contention.

"They just couldn't give away things fast enough," he said. "They want heath care for illegal immigrants. They want driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. They want, listen to this, Social Security for illegal immigrants."

It's then that a small group of progressive activists commenced making their feelings known, prompting what reporters described as a blue-shirted Trump supporter to lash out in anger that ended with him spitting in the face of one man.

In addition, Trump has repeatedly boasted that if he is elected, it would take him less than two years to deport some 11 million undocumented immigrants and doing so within that time frame is simply just a case of good management.