Wednesday’s chance to win big money playing Powerball is here.

The grand prize is currently at $70 million, with a cash value of $42.8 million.

Last Saturday’s winning numbers were 14, 22, 37, 45, ,66 and 5. There were regular 505,495 winners, and $4,121,915 in non-jackpot money was won.

There are actually nine ways to play Powerball. The odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 293 million. The odds of simply doubling your money on a $2 ticket are 1 in 38.

Typically, lottery stories are feel good stories. But winners have sometimes endured misfortune due to their newfound wealth.

When Andrew Whittaker won a $315 million Powerball jackpot in 2002, he was already a wealthy man. So he said he would share his new wealth and give out 10 percent of his fortune to Christian-based charities.

According to Time, Whittacker gave away money, a house, and even a vehicle. But, whatever his intentions were, he was soon plagued with legal problems. He began drinking and spending his time in strip clubs.

In his hazy state, Whittacker did not keep very good track of his money. In 2003, he reported that thieves stole $545,000 from his vehicle while he was inside a strip joint. A year later he claimed that robbers once again broke into his car, stealing around $200,000 in cash. Then, in 2007, Whittaker reported that someone had completely emptied his bank accounts.

None of his financial loses came close to the personal issues he suffered due to his new lifestyle. In 2004, his granddaughter’s boyfriend was found dead from a drug overdose in his home. Three months later, his granddaughter also died of a drug overdose.

Whittaker, who later went broke, came to blame his misfortunes on his lottery win.

“I wish I’d torn that ticket up,” he said.

Be sure to click here for local stations broadcasting the Powerball drawing.