In the next episode of "Blue Bloods," Danny tries to defend his ex-partner on a charge from the D.A.'s office, but there are more strings attached than he knows about.

Episode 10, titled "Flags of Our Fathers," will air on broadcast network CBS, following a short hiatus, on Friday, Dec. 11 at 10 p.m. EST, according to TV Guide.

In the show, there is the Reagan family and then there is the NYPD family. Both ties run deep and are bonded by spilt blood. So that makes it easy for Danny to side with his own when his ex-partner comes under fire. But not all may be what it seems and Danny may have to make a hard decision.

According to Spoilers Guide, Danny finds himself on the receiving end of an investigator for the District Attorney's office. In the beginning, it seems cut and dry to Danny what he must do, which is defend his ex-partner for whatever reason they are interrogating him for.

The charge against the ex is that he planted evidence in an old case to wrap up a homicide investigation. It is a theme that is commonly featured on many different cop shows. But in this case, it is an event that occurred in the past and the only thing that Danny has to go on is the word of the D.A.'s office.

The case gets a little murky and the thin line starts to blur. Danny may have went into it thinking that his ex was clean, but there is enough reason to doubt it at some point. He has a hard choice to make in the case.

Frank also has some hard choices of his own to make that could end up putting him in the national spotlight. A radical anti-government group plans to take to the street and threatens to burn an American flag. So if Frank squashes the demonstration, he tramples on free speech, which may be what the group wants the world to see.