Respawn Entertainment has announced an update to their popular Titanfall game that they hope makes the game more enjoyable and fair.

The update affects the game's matchmaking process and aims to better set-up players in battle.

"Searching for teammates and opponents will now sometimes take more time to look for players that are a good skill level match, rather than purely prioritizing speed over quality," Respawn Entertainment announced. "This will give us more time to build better teams and create closer games that are worth staying in for a longer period of time."

The update is currently available under Improved Matchmaking (Beta), which is listed under Play Class MP. The game developer says it will make the update available under other playlists in the future if things go well.

"Rather than playing against the same opponents over and over, the game will periodically split the teams apart and search for new opponents for each team," Redspawn Entertainment continued. "This means if one team is dominating, we will update the skill for all of the players and then find each team a better suited match for the next round."

This changes Titanfall's previous method of matchmaking, which was based on speed and how rapidly gamers could "get in a lobby and start playing," according to Forbes. Now, rapid team building will be second in priority to skill balancing.

For the most part, players, including Forbes and PC Gamer writers, are praising Redspawn Entertainment's efforts.

"Seriously you guys know what it is to develop a game! I have NEVER seen so much support in all my life as a Gamer!" Rhygos Gaming commented.

"Its like you read my mind! Numerous times I felt stuck in a team that was less skilled than the other and when the round finished I would look at the teams hoping players would swap teams. Good work respawn :),"Mufz  added.

Others, however, are not impressed by what they consider an obvious improvement to make.

"In my humble opinion this level of support should be considered nominal, especially since these features, while obviously requiring user data to be collected in order to maximise their effectiveness, should have perhaps been implemented at launch..," Ragingmoose argued.

Titanfall hits Xbox 360 on April 8 and April 11 in North America and Europe, respectively.


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