A brand new, unofficial Facebook advanced search tool has been created.

The tool, which acts through a separate website, makes searching much easier for users. It enables advanced searches and then displays the results on Facebook.

The "Search is Back" website allows for easy, but very specific searches to be performed on Facebook, Tech Crunch reports. Users will not be required to know which search terms to use in order to achieve accurate results.

With Search is Back, Facebook users can perform searches based on people who live near them, people who are single, people who work for the same company as them and much more.

The tool is much easier than Facebook's current Graph Search, which requires specific search terms like "Friends named Sarah who live in Chicago and work at IBM." With Search is Back, users just go through the form and fill out the information they want in each field.

Search is Back only works in the U.S. for users who already have the latest version of Facebook with Graph Search.

The search possibilities are almost endless with Search is Back. Users can find old high school friends by searching for people from their hometown. They can find friends of friends who happen to work at the same company. They can even view profiles from Tinder searches.

Users will also be able to locate photos, posts, events and even articles that were shared. With the event search, users can search for events happening in their city and get further details about hits.

Michael Morgenstern, a filmmaker in San Francisco, created Search is Back because he was upset by how hard it was to search for things on Facebook.

Facebook has not commented on the third party website, but its policies do not prohibit it from continuing to operate. The company was excited to roll out the new Graph Search back in 2013, but many users say the new search method is even more difficult than older versions.