It was a very bad day for Chris Brown yesterday. To top of his tour cancellation, he also learned that he was dropped from "The Daily Show" as a scheduled guest last night, being replaced at the last minute with Nick Cannon.

According to The Washington Post, Brown was scheduled to appear on "The Daily Show With Trevor Noah," but he was suddenly nixed from the schedule. This follows reports that some staffers on the show had mixed feeling about bringing him on.

In a report from The Daily Beast earlier this week, staffers for the show expressed concern about bringing Brown on the show because of his history of domestic violence. The history stems from a conviction of felony assault against Rihanna, who was his girlfriend at the time six years ago.

When Brown was convicted of those charges, he received five years probation and six months of community service, which many domestic abuse organizations thought was way too lenient. He also had a string of incidents after the sentence that involved violence as well.

There have been doubts that Noah could remain objective throughout the interview, considering his own mother suffered from domestic abuse at the hands of his father. That included his mother being shot in the face and the father threatening to kill young Trevor.

Noah had suggested in a meeting with show producers and staffers to use the platform and Brown's appearance as a way to work domestic violence into the dialogue. But that did not go over very well with his crew, so Brown was taken off the schedule.

On top of his cancelled appearance on "The Daily Show," Brown's history of domestic violence has also impacted his career and jeopardized the sale of his new album. According to Billboard, he was recently warned by Australia that he would be denied a Visa to enter the country due to his history of violence.

The news meant that Brown was forced to cancel his Australian and New Zealand tour to promote his new album that is scheduled to be released this month.