There has been a lot of controversy surrounding Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. That includes his demand for $5 million from CNN to appear in the next debate. CNN has responded to his demands, and he might not like what they had to say.

According to Variety, Trump and his Republican colleagues have been a whirlwind of ratings for the networks that have been airing their debates. That is largely due to the controversial nature of their rhetoric and their constant claims over facts that have been debunked by experts after their appearances.

It might also be safe to assume that the ratings increases are partly because people want to be entertained, as opposed to being informed about their candidate's stance on real-world issues.

Trump recently latched on to the increase in the ratings for their debates and has since claimed that the networks need to start sharing that money with the debate stars, namely himself.

According to CBS, Trump demanded that CNN pay him $5 million to appear on one of their debates, which he claims he would give to charity.

CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker has responded to that request, according to BuzzFeed, and said they do not pay candidates to appear on their televised debates.

There has been a recent uptick in CNN's ratings, and Trump has publicly claimed to have taken all the credit for the their success.

In a letter to Zucker that he published, according to CNN Money, Trump made the claim and also said he does not like to brag.

"While I refuse to brag, and as you know very well, this tremendous increase in viewer interest and advertising is due 100 percent to 'Donald J. Trump,'" Trump wrote.

Either way, it doesn't matter. CNN has already said they will not be paying any candidate to appear on the their debate, which presumably includes donating to charity in Trump's name.