Xbox One Release News: Microsoft Offers Free Games, Faulty Systems Apology

Microsoft is now offering free games to Xbox One users who found their console to be faulty.

Best Buy to Have PS4 and Xbox One Deals In Stock for Holidays

Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Xbox One have both been released just in time for the holidays, but will there be enough to go around?

PS4 and Xbox One Launch Titles on Amazon

The new PlayStation 4 and Xbox One aren't any fun without their launch titles. Thanks to Black Friday and Amazon, gamers can get their hands on next-gen launch titles for cheaper.

Launch of Xbox One Experiences Disc Drive Issues

Microsoft launched the Xbox One on Friday, but like most launches, it came with its share of technical issues

Microsoft Sales Match Sony in Next Gen Console Battle, Both Xbox One and PS4 Out of Stock

Microsoft's Xbox One debuted on Friday is flying off of shelves just like Sony's PlayStation 4.

Xbox One Sales Update: 1 Million Units Sold Out In Just One Day

Microsoft Corp made a big bang selling over 1 million units of Xbox One in just 24 hours since it hit the store shelves on Friday. This just made it even with its main competitor PlayStation 4 of Sony Corp which was launched in more countries around the globe.

Xbox One Launch Comes Without Dolby 5.1 and 7.1 Audio Support

Xbox One was released today, but, to gamers' disappointment, without Dolby 5.1 and 7.1. digital audio support. According to a Microsoft executive, this will change eventually.

PS4 vs. Xbox One Reviews, Specs, Features, Preview: Which New-Gen Console Is Better? [POLL]

The Playstation 4 was released less than a week ago and the Xbox One will be released this week. As we remain sandwiched between releases, the big question remains: Which platform is better?

Amazon Accepting Microsoft Xbox One Day One Edition Pre-Orders Again

Amazon has announced that it will re-open Xbox One Day One Edition console orders.

Xbox One vs. PS4: Music Playing Capabilities Limited

Gamers who purchase an Xbox One will not be able to play music from USB sticks at the time Microsoft launches the video game console on Friday.

Microsoft Holding Launch Parties Worldwide for Xbox One Release

Microsoft launches their newest video game console, the Xbox One this Friday. To celebrate, Microsoft is doing it big with launch parties all around the world.

Xbox One Live Gameplay Twitch Streaming No Longer Available at Launch

Microsoft's newest video game console, the Xbox One, will launch this Friday, Nov. 22, but one of its features will not be fully functional.

Microsoft Xbox One Team and Sony PlayStation 4 Team Support One Another's Launches

Sony released its newest video game console, the PlayStation 4 last Friday. Its biggest competitor, Microsoft's Xbox One, will be released this Friday. Instead of attacking one another, however, the two companies are being friendly and supportive toward one another.

Xbox One Boasts 13 Second Boot Time, Voice Commands

Microsoft's newest video game console, the Xbox One, will be released Nov. 22. In preparation for the big day, an Xbox Live executive recently detailed why the Xbox One is more than just a game console.

'Game with Gold' Coming to Xbox Live on Next-Gen Console

Gamers who get their hands on Microsoft's new Xbox One will eventually be able to get free games via the Game with Gold program.

Target Ships 150 Xbox One Consoles Early, Users Banned From Xbox Live

Microsoft's new video game console, the Xbox One, will not be released until Nov. 22. Some have already received their Xbox Ones, however, courtesy of a Target "systems error."
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