President Obama Lays Out Foreign Policy Strategy to Combat 'Diffuse Threat' of Global Terrorism

During President Obama's commencement speech at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point on Wednesday, he laid out his vision for foreign policy to combat the "diffuse threat" of terrorism across the globe.

Obama Says ‘Alcohol Is More Dangerous Than Marijuana’ And Shocks Nation But These Famous Politicos Began Rallying For Reefer Ages Before POTUS Took His First Puff

Although the alcohol prohibition era has long since come to an end, marijuana prohibition remains intact since its inception in 1932 with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act.

President Obama Pardons Thanksgiving Turkeys

Continuing a Thanksgiving tradition at the White House, President Barack Obama pardoned two turkeys today, saving them from a fate of being plucked, stuffed, and enjoyed at a dinner table.
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