President Barack Obama and his daughters, Malia & Sasha, shocked both the owner and the shoppers of a bookstore when they made a shopping pit stop during Small Business Saturday.

ABC News is reporting that while shopping at the store, they bought a whole list of books ranging from "The Kite Runner" to "Harold and the Purple Crayon."

According to USA Today, the First Family stopped by the Politics and Prose Bookstore. The Saturday after Thanksgiving has become known as "Small Business Saturday." It's designed to drive business to mom and pop shops between the whirlwind of Black Friday sales offered by large retailers and Cyber Monday deals from online sellers.

Earlier that day, Obama sent a Tweet about the importance of patronizing local businesses for Small Business Saturday. He also purchased "a reader for every age, ranging from 5 to 52," and paid for the purchases with a credit card. The total amount he spent wasn't released.

Check out the video of the Obamas shopping trip below. How's your Christmas shopping going? Did you participate in Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!