Hit by a second bout of extremely warm winter temperatures in recent days, the seasonal growth of floating sea ice has flattened out, just as it did when hit by similarly dramatic heat in November.

According to ADN, the area of the Arctic Ocean covered by floating sea is far smaller than it was in 2012 at this time of the year. And while 2012 holds the all-time record for lowest ice extent in September 2016 has been beating it since mid-October.

As per the records from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, The current extent of Arctic Ice Sea also is far smaller than in 2010, which previously held the record for lowest Arctic sea ice extent in late December.

According to Boston Globe, the high Arctic appears to be not only out of the norm for a stable climate like the one on Earth before fossil fuels but also expect from our supercharged, artificially warmed climate.

From the recent published "detection and attribution" analysis of November, a group of scientists found that "it is extremely unlikely that this event would occur in the absence of human-induced climate change"

The research was conducted by a World Weather Attribution who is perfecting the study of how a changing climate affects local weather.

The researcher at the University of Melbourne said, in the light of another burst of Arctic warmth, the ensuring temperatures were slightly hotter than they had expected.

The "attribution" analysis of these types of technique use to determine the odds of a weather event occurring with or without interference in the climate.

Last winter scientist saw another impressive heat wave. In last December, temperatures at the North Pole almost reached the melting point. The seasonal maximum sea extent was the lowest ever seen.

The scientists are revealed that this is only the most recent remarkable event that we've seen in the Arctic over the past decade.