Russian and American scientists have been working for a new mission to Venus, it came to notice recently that Venus has dark streaks through its thick sulfuric acid clouds. It could be possible for scientists to resolve if the dark streaks absorb ultraviolet radiation.

If the proposed mission takes place and if there is ultraviolet radiation, it might lead to further evidence of Alien life. The Russian Planetary Science has been focusing on Venus for a long time, ever since the Venera probes landed on Venusian surface in the 1970's there have been many questions left unanswered as per Astrobio.

The proposed mission is said to be a joint mission by Roscosmos and NASA, though the mission is still not approved there are possibilities for an orbiter launch towards Venus in 2025. The mission will carry out the objective to make remote sensing observations of the atmosphere and the planet.

According to Yahoo, the fast rotation of the atmosphere was discovered in the 1960's. Astronomers tracked the motion of these dark streaks in the atmosphere but they still have no clue about its origin and composition.

Sanjay Limaye an atmospheric scientist from the University of Wisconsin said that the nature of these clouds absorbing ultraviolet light is completely unknown and this is something they need to explore. However, these things require time, equipment and deep research.

Another exciting explanation about these dark streaks is having evidence of microbial life, researcher's state that it is a possibility they cannot overlook. The challenge of existence on Venus is the planets extreme temperature as it is hot even melt led, the temperature rises up to 864 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the future mission is approved there will be a possibility for scientists to discover more about the planet, at least they might be able to identify the reason of the dark streaks absorbing ultraviolet.