The last year, it was reported that the newly released "Final Fantasy XV" (hereby refered to as FFXV), successfully sold five million copies at the time of its release. This statement was followed by a massive announcement from Square Enix about a celebration stream for the same.

As a part of the recent update, FFXV will be receiving a special event called 'Moogle Chocobo Carnival' shortly due for release. The trailer for the event was released to the public. The main feature of the update would be the fact that players will now be able to click pictures while not in combat that's primary among all the others part of the update.

A detailed report on GameSpot, revealed further explaining about the various possibilities the new updates would offer to the players. The same report also speculated that the update was expected to be rolled out to the public this Jan. 24.The translation from the developer originally in Japanese was translated and the same was available on Gematsu.

The part of the video trailer also revealed possible new features introduced part of the update. It seems like Noctis will be receiving a new outfit called 'Festive Ensemble', alongside available photo frames possibly to accommodate all pictures taken during the duration of the gameplay. The patch notes seem to suggest that they are exclusive to the update alongside the entire holiday pack in itself that's being offered to all its players.

Kotaku, did their bit in explaining about the update explaining about the whole city of Altissia potentially turning into a theme park filled with mini games. On the outside, the developers seemed to have created an image that of complete celebration depicting the events that will happen throughout the entire duration of the update. There will also be paid DLC that users can opt for, while the added bonus of the paid content is yet unknown.