The article contains spoilers.

A lot has been clarified since the film's title came out. "The Last Jedi" is clearly a reference to Luke Skywalker, who is the last one remaining after Kylo Ren and his Knights butchered Luke's new students. According to film's director, Rian Johnson, the upcoming film is all about Luke and his relationship with Rey. In the last scene of "The Force Awakens," Rey was seen coming face to face with the Jedi master on a secluded island for the first time, Den of Geek reported.

Needless to say, "The Last Jedi" will pick up where "The Force Awakens" left off. Since Luke is the only known Jedi, it is safe to assume that he will have a crucial role to play in episode 8 and that the fans will be seeing him a lot in the upcoming film.

In an interview back in 2016, Mark Hamill made the error of revealing to The Hollywood Reporter that after Episode 8, he will be unemployed. This statement sparked a speculation about whether Hamill will die in the upcoming film or if his character will carry over to Episode 9.

It is important to note that Jedi does not necessarily mean one person. It can mean both a person and a group. However, in the opening crawl of "The Force Awakens," Luke Skywalker was referred to as the last Jedi, which means that episode 8 may not really mean the end of Jedi order, just that Luke will be the central character.

The first trailer of the film is expected to release around the time of Super Bowl, one of the largest sports events in America. It is possible that the first teaser of the film is shown during the game on Feb 5. If not Feb, the next most obvious and relevant date will be on the first day of Star Wars Celebration in Orlando on Apr. 13.

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" has been slated for Dec. 15, 2017 release.