The new president of US, Donald Trump has threatened to send US troops to Mexico to deal with "bad hombre down there" in a call with President Enrique Pena Nieto. According to The Telegraph, at the time of the Presidential campaign, Mr. Trump has used similar rhetoric. But such a warning with an allied world leader would mark an extraordinary departure from decorum.

The report did not make clear who exactly Trump considered as "bad hombre" but Mexican news website Aristegui Noticias reported that Trump was referring to drug traffickers. TIME has reported, this is a striking look at how the new president is conducting diplomacy behind closed doors. Trump's remark clarifies that he is using the same tough and blunt talk with world leaders that he used rally crowds on the campaign trail.

However, the White House and the Mexican foreign ministry both have denied that Mr. Trump made the threat. But the newspaper report described Mr. Trump as humiliating Mr. Pena Nieto in a confrontational conversation. In an October presidential debate, Trump has used the phrase "bad hombre". He vowed to get rid the U.S of "drug lords" and "bad people".

The Mexican newspaper has reported that Trump's comment was in line with the new administration's bullish stance on foreign policy matters. This reflects the president's willingness to break long-standing norms around the globe. Mexico has consistently reported it would not pay for the wall and opposes it. Before the phone call, Pena Nieto canceled a planned visit to the United States. Trump has given all the responsibility to his son-in-law and Jared Kushner with no foreign policy experience on the managing ongoing border dispute.

Meanwhile, the White House has released a report on the acknowledgment of "clear and very public differences." The mouthpiece of White House said both of the country leaders has agreed to work through the immigration disagreement as part of border discussion on their relationship.