PlayStation February free games had just been revealed days after the first month of 2017 ended. Sony sets paid subscribers for an exciting month as they officially make the line up available beginning February 7.

Through their official blog site, Sony gave the full list of PlayStation February free games. LittleBigPlanet 3 and Not a Hero lead the list joined by other exciting games namely Starwhal, Anna, Ninja Senki DX and Torquel, as reported by IGN News.

LittleBigPlanet 3, a creation-focused co-op adventure created by Sumo Digital will be available this month for paid Sony PlayStation Plus subscribers. The game centers on the adventures of Sackboy and his friends OddSock, Toggle and Swoop as well as their journey to explore the world filled with surprises.

Not a Hero, on the other hand, is a fast-paced game focusing on the player fighting as Steve, an amateur campaign manager who formerly was a professional assassin. He received a mandate to clean up their city from BunnyLord, a mayoral candidate from the future.

Both LittleBigPlanet 3 and Not a Hero will be made available for PS4 PlayStation Plus subscribers. PS3 users will be able to enjoy Anna and Starwhal as they have extended edition for PS3 PlayStation subscribers.

TorqueL and Ninja Senki DX will be on hand for PlayStation Vita users. The two games can also be enjoyed on PS4 together with Starwhal as they are all cross-buy titles. Cross-buy games have been common in the past few months.

To be able to enjoy the PlayStation February free games, one must avail the PlayStation Plus subscription service. The subscription comes at various prices depending on the subscription length acquired.

A 12-month membership will cost PlayStation subscribers $59.99. Should players wish to avail of a 3-month subscription, they will have to pay $24.99, while $9.99 per month will be charged to those who want to enjoy the subscription and avail the PlayStation February free games, according to the Game Rant.

Watch this video for more about the PlayStation February free games.