The new Titanic virtual reality game is still in the works but a special video gives players a look as to what this cool interactive game can offer. The VR game will let players experience the actual moment when the unsinkable ship sank and take the player to a tour of the wreckage. Creators of the game, Immersive VR Education, is currently hoping that they would meet the €50,000 funds they need via Kickstarter. At present, there are only 7 days left and the team has just made over €35,000 for the project.

"Titanic VR" offers an immersive look at the most famous tragedy of the 20th century. David Whelan, CEO of Immersive VR Education said that there are numerous references about the Titanic but VR can help experience the tragic event in a manner never thought possible before, Digital Trends reported.

Players will be survivors of the Titanic in the virtual reality game at the start of the game. Towards the end the gamer becomes a part of a submersible crew exploring the ship's wreckage. Whelan said that they made sure everything was authentic by doing extreme research and this included the ship's actual plans and drawings, maps and models of the wreckage site.

Creators of "Titanic VR" explain that the game is designed for VR but it can also be played on a standard gaming computer or on a PlayStation 4 console; based on their Kickstarter page. Those who pledge €20.00 or more get to choose their preferred platform upon the release of the game. VR devices that "Titanic VR" supports are PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

"Titanic VR" is still €18,000 short from their goal. But whether or not they meet their €50,000 goal, Whelan is very inspired to develop the interactive game. He said that this may slow their project down but it certainly won't stop it from getting done. Creators want this to be an immersive experience and not just a tool for learning. Backers will have their own name plaque at the wreck site, a painted portrait hung on board the shop, get name submersibles and ROV;s and have their names listed in the credits.