"Street Fighter V" developer Peter "Combofiend" Rosas has officially announced that a balance update is coming to the game next month. He also detailed that the upcoming balance patch, which includes changes to gameplay systems and several individual characters.

According to Destructoid, probably the most prominent change that is coming to Street Fighter V is the removal of the "jump-back throw select" option, in which a player can hold up and input a throw command after getting knocked down and the computer will choose the safest option upon recovering.

"Street Fighter V" may have had some problems during its launch, but it has been evolving and improving the past years into a pretty entertaining fighting game. Unfortunately, it still got ways to go, but Capcom's been paying attention to its hit game and has incorporated the necessary moves in order to keep it balanced and fun for everyone.

Which is why a new balance patch is coming for Street Fighter V Season 2 toward the end of April. It may be a little bit too late for the start of their Pro-Tour this year, but there's enough still time to practice the new changes before the tournament circuit officially begins.

Some notable highlights of the balance patch include the increase of charge frames from six to ten, which means Chun-Li players are going to have a better time. According to Yahoo!, Cammy has her air throwback, Urien is slightly less of a powerhouse than what he was when Street Fighter V Season 2 first launched; his life bar has gone down just a bit.

Additionally, players are no longer able to escape throws while inputting up anymore, and "Shoryuken" type attacks have regained their invincibility and Gief da' Great has some new moves.

For more details, An article from Destructoid also offers full coverage of the Street Fighter V April update. Players can also Head over to the official Capcom website to read the full list of patch details.