(Photo : Reuters)

Mexican wresting is not only for men. A male-dominated sport does not mean that ladies are not allowed to enter such sport. An example of women entering a women-dominated sport is the Luchadoras.

Lucha Libre was established in 1863. The first Luchador was Enrique Ugartechea.

Ugartchea created Mexican wrestling based on the Greco-Roman's version of the sport. The drama and flying tricks had transformed the sport into a widely-known game.

Later, the sport spread from Mexico to the United States of America from the 1930s to the 1940s. 

In the beginning, the Lucha Libre was once a sport only played by men. Over the years, the sport had transformed into a game playable for women. 

Currently, Luchadoras participate in wrestling matches in all major league competitions of the sport. It even has a game dedicated to their group.

Lucha Libre, a promotion company of the sport and consisting of all-female members, was established in 2000. 

Here are some of the most famous Luchadoras:


Mystique was introduced to the Lucha Libre sport after her boyfriend, a big fan of the sport, influenced her into liking the sport. After watching videos of the sport, she decided to train and start wrestling. 

An article from Mitu stated that her stage name was inspired by a character from X-Men Mystique. However, the image she created for her wrestling career is similar to a ninja. This had earned her fans not only in Mexico but also in Japan.


Vulcana is a new star in the Mexican wrestling sport. She had officially started playing the sport in August 2018. She is networked with the Empire Wrestling Federation. Her stage name was from a well-known strong woman named Miriam Kate Williams whose stage name was also Vulcana. 

Vulcana's advocacy is to showcase women's strength. 

La Hiedra

La Hiedra originated from Northern Mexico. Two years after her first official game, she qualified to fight in the Quien Pinta Por La Corona finals. 

Starting in 2015, La Hiedra had played the sport alongside Lucha Libra AAA Worldwide. She had also been seen having associations with the International Wrestling Revolution Group.


Sanely was a mystery woman in the sport, especially in the CMLL Bodybuilding Competition in 2015. She belongs to a family of Luchadors. Her grandfather, father, brother, and brother-in-law are Luchadors. Her father's name on stage is Mano Negro. She was nicknamed after her father. Her nickname is La Dama del Guante Negro. 

Baby Puma

Baby Puma also belongs to a family of Lucha Libre wrestlers. The famous luchador Ultratumba is her father. Her sister is also a wrestler with the nickname Lady Pumba. 

Baby Puma had been wrestling since 2008. Ever since she had already made a name for herself in the sport separate from the success of her family who was also succeeding in the same sport. 

This luchadora regularly wrestles in Arena Feminil. She is known for her high energy moves while playing the sport. Her skills in the sport had earned her a high number of loyal supporters and fans.