Many video games were released in 2015, but the best games were given a score of 90 or better by ratings website Metacritic. Sequels proved to be the most popular games of 2015 for high scores, according to the site.

Metacritic averaged the ratings from multiple sources, combining feedback from professional reviewers and regular video game fans, to create an average score (a Metascore) between 0 and 100. Here are the top 10 games of 2015.

No. 1

Grand Theft Auto V (PC)

The PC version of Grand Theft Auto V earned the top spot with an impressive Metascore of 96. In the newest installment of the series, Grand Theft Auto offered fun action and adventure gameplay, challenging players to avoid police, complete missions and play online. The PC version also allowed players to modify game elements in order to drastically alter the play.

No. 2

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Xbox One)

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for Xbox One earned a Metascore of 95. The graphics were incredible in the game, and the storylines were said to be the best of all the Metal Gear Solid games. The game expanded into an open world atmosphere, and there was plenty to explore.

No. 3

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC)

The PC version of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt took third on the list. The action and role-playing game featured a master swordsman's quest for survival against monsters.

No. 4

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PlayStation 4)

Like the PC version, the PlayStation 4 version of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain performed well among critics, earning a Metascore of 93.

No. 5

Undertale (PC)

Undertale for the PC took the fifth spot. The role-playing game had players controlling a human who has fallen underground. Players had to fight off monsters and find a way out of the underground world.

No. 6

Journey (PlayStation 4)

Adventure game Journey had players trying to get as far as they could, as they explore planet Earth. The graphics were updated for the PlayStation 4 to show extreme detail.

No. 7

Bloodborne (PlayStation 4)

Players tried to survive a disease-filled ancient town in Bloodborne for the Playstation 4, all while helping residents defend themselves from certain death. Players were equipped with basic weapons and had to use their wits to survive.

No. 8 and No. 9

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PlayStation 4 at No. 8) (XBOX One at No. 9)

The third installment in the Witcher series claimed back-to-back spots for console versions.

No. 10

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PC)

Filling out the top 10 list at No. 10, the PC version of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain earned a Metascore of 91.