Fans of the popular video game Diablo will have to wait until the end of summer to pick up the newest installment to the game as video game developer Blizzard announced Monday that it will release Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition for the current and previous Playstaytion and Xbox consoles on Aug. 19.

According to Gamespot, the newest version will include both the original Diablo III and its recent expansion Reaper of Souls. The release was initially confirmed just for the Playstatyion 4 but is now being expanded to the Playstation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360.

The Xbox One and PS4 versions will be priced at $59.99 while the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are marked at $39.99.

An Apprentice mode has been added to the Ultimate Evil Edition, which gives low-level players a power boost to play co-op with high-level friends. Players on each others' friends lists will also be able to share loot in the game's new mail system.

Gamespot reported that Blizzard added the in-game item Infernal Pauldrons to preorder and launch day copies of the game. The Pauldron gives bonus to health, life regeneration and cool down reduction; however, they cannot be transferred across platforms, but they can be transmogrified.

Xbox 360 and PS3 users who already own Diablo III will get to keep their character in the new edition and can also transfer to their newer console counterparts.

In related news, the game developer Square Enix, which produces the Tomb Raider series, boasted "favorable" sales in its annual sales report last week. The company cited its recent "Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition" for Xbox One and PS4 release as its saving grace.

According to Gamespot, Square Enix previously expected only $34.4 million in profits this year, but heavy sales for the new game have increased their projections to be closer to $65 million instead.