The Lionsgate just recently released images of the five Rangers from The Roar viral website, (the Angel Grove High school newspaper from the school of original Power Rangers show) making fans even more excited about the release of the Power Rangers. The photos showcase a little bit of what high school life is and for various kids into becoming Power Rangers.

Elizabeth Banks play the role of Rita Repulsa the main villain in the upcoming superhero drama. If fans can still recall, Rita Repulsa was a fictional character from the series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Her character had a very brief glimpse in the trailer and the recent images showed the character from the back and fans get a better idea of the updated design, Movieweb has reported. 

Saban's Power Rangers story will follow the five ordinary students who will become and transform into extraordinary and do extraordinary things. When they learn that the small town of Angel Grove and the world was on the edge of obliterating by the alien threat. The five exceptional students of Angel Grove was chosen by the destiny to save the world from an alien threat. By completing the mission; heroes must overcome their real-life issues and band together as the Power Rangers, via Superherohype

The Power Ranger main characters;  Dacre Montgomery will play the role of Jason as the Red Ranger , RJ Cyler as Billy the Blue Ranger, Naomi Scott as Kimberly the Pink Ranger, Becky G as Trini the Yellow Ranger, and Ludi Lin playing the role of Zack as the Black Ranger. The heroes will be worthless without the villain; Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa. Rumors says that Bryan Cranston as Zordon will voice by Bill Hader which is a voice actor. The Power Ranger film is directed by Dean Israelite.

The upcoming American Science fiction superhero drama, Power Rangers will be released in March 2017.