Pride and Lasalle will have a lot on their plate in episode 8 season 3 of "NCIS: New Orleans." A fresh new episode will feature Agent Dwayne Pride, played by Scott Bakula, taking on a special case and a very talented young witness. Meanwhile, Lasalle's reason for being absent from the force will finally be revealed and no, he is not sick at all.

Jobs n Hire reported spoilers for "NCIS: New Orleans" highlighting Agent Pride's awesome talent. Pride was assigned to cover the case of a murder of a member of the US Navy Band. Not a bad case at all but the thing is, the only witness to the murder was a 9-year old kid who appears to be shaken because of his ordeal.

Pride takes custody of the young witness and tries to question him. The kid gives him a hard time but Pride knew what to do. A photo from the Twitter page of "NCIS: New Orleans" show Pride playing the piano and looks like he is even going to belt out a tune. The boy holds a trumpet hinting that they might have gotten closer, close enough for the young boy to help him solve the case.

Agent's Lasalle's secret is no secret anymore when fed up Agent Percy, played by Shalita Grant, visits him in his home just to check why he can't be reached. Percy is up for a huge surprise as she discovers a pretty blonde Melody, played by Brianna Brown, who greets her at the door.

Apparently Melody is not Lasalle's big secret. Percy will also meet Tucker, Lasalle's son. How will she handle this revelation? Why hasn't Lasalle mentioned anything about a family especially to Percy will all be revealed in "NCIS: New Orleans" season 3 episode 8.

On the other hand, Chatt Sports Net revealed that there is a huge possibility that Zoe McLellan, who plays the role of Agent Meredith Brody, might return in season 4. There have been rumors that McLellan's departure to the series caused its viewers to drop from 11 million to 9.5 million.

Recalling Agent Brody may boost ratings once more however there is no confirmation yet that McLellan would return to the show. "NCIS: New Orleans" season 3 episode 8 'Music to My Ears' will air Tuesday at 10 p.m. on CBS.