"Hawaii Five-0" Season 7 may come to an end in the U.S., but it will premiere on New Year's day in the U.K. With that being said, CBS Television Network finally releases the official plot description and promo clip of the midseason finale episode titled 'Ka'ili Aku'. Also, a quick summary of episode 8 is highlighted here for fans who have missed to watch it.

"Hawaii Five-0" Season 7 will finally come to the U.K. According to TV Wise, the CBS drama series will premiere in U.K.'s Sky1 on New Year's Day, January 1, 2016, at 9:00 p.m.

As for the official plot synopsis of episode 11, The Christian Times notes, Five-0 task force races to Mexico after finding out that Sara, Chin's niece by marriage, has been kidnapped. This comes after Chin's cousin, Kono (Grace Park), has just told him to ease up on his suspicions about Sara's alleged relatives in Mexico.

Chin became even more anxious to find out how Sara was doing when his niece did not contact him for almost a week, which was long enough considering how regularly they communicated since Sara moved to Mexico. He has run multiple background checks on the couple who took Sara in, but they always came out clean. What could've have happened that brought on the incident with his niece? Could her relatives have been involved in some shady business all along? Or could this hit be about Sara's father, Gabriel's (Christopher Sean), past dealings?"

For a quick summary of episode 10 titled "Ka Luhi", Celebrity Dirty Laundry reported that a boy with PTSD underwent hypnosis. Suddenly, he recalled that he may have witnessed the murder of a 10-year old cold case.

On the other hand, Danny's sister went to Oahu.

"Hawaii Five-0" Season 7 episode 11 is titled as "Ka'ili Aku" (Snatchback). The midseason finale episode is scheduled on Friday, December 16, 2016, at 9:00 p.m. EST first and exclusive on CBS Television Network.