Christmas is coming but Brad Pitt is yet holding up to hear if he will be permitted to spend time with his six kids. Even though he did not see the six kids he shares with her ex-wife Angelina Jolie on Thanksgiving he was still hoping that by this Christmas he could spend time with the kids. One source said that Brad could miss them, however, he has not been resolved yet.

According to US WEEKLY, Angelina petitioned for full physical custody of the kids, and Pitt was frantic to see his children as the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services and the FBI investigated the allegations that he hit one of the children on board in September. Unfortunately, Pitt can only visit if the therapist gives an OK as a sign. From that point forward, Pitt is cleared in both inquiries and has only seen the children in a handful time.

Pitt's lawyer Lance Spiegel emailed Jolie's lawyer Laura Wasser about planning and other logistical issues that brought about significant periods where Pitt does not have any contact with his kids. His last plea to Jolie's group: an additional of 30 to 60 minutes of visits with all the kids and a "step up in connection" over the occasions. The two lawyers smashed out the demand in threatening messages.

However, Mail Online stated that Pitt agreed to the court-ordered medication and liquor testing four times every month and regular visitation with the kids as a part of the brief arrangement that agreed in October after Jolie petitioned for full custody. Pitt hoped that all the records will be kept regarding the custody issues under seal for kids' security and protection.

As part of the court's order, 'October Stipulation' were distributed subtle details for their kids' treatment. The psychologist who was specializing in child's custody issues was deciding the visitation plan. Meanwhile, Brad and Jolie were going to undergo a group therapy sessions with their kids.

Though Brad was requesting for some extra minutes with their kids, Jolie will stand firm with the documents filed by her lawyer implying therapists were not prepared to approve on more visits. And Jolie's team rejected Brad's request of time extension with their kids. Jolie's lawyer blame the team Brad for overlooking the best advantages of the kids as chosen by the specialist. They will be scheduled to be back on the court in January.