Facebook is now busy planning for a video-centric future, yet it likewise needs to depend on utilizing conventional text to express ourselves. For that extent, the company launches another customization highlight that gives a chance to change the background shading that will appear on status. This was spotted by TechCrunch, and lately, Facebook made it official that will give you few colors to choose.

YAHOO TECH stated that Facebook is taking off colored status backgrounds throughout the following couple of weeks that is exclusive for Android users only. However, it will be visible on iOS and the web. Instead of using default background, users can now have accustomed to which gives several options such as red, purple, yellow, orange, and some varieties of blue. Others come with the cooler shades that look gradient than the other level options.

Prior this year, a social network uncovered its internal rumblings that the sharing of personal Facebook posts had been declined for 21 percent year-over-year since in the middle of the year 2015. In their place, the clients were progressively posting links from an external content. Even Facebook may appear to have lost hope, however, they were busy urging clients to embrace its new Live video service and organizing the configuration on its News Feed.

Meanwhile, the chief officer Chris Cox predicted that by 2021, Facebook will generate 70 percent of the movement of the traffic on the platform. According to DIGITAL TRENDS, Facebook is now wagering on video filters to get more clients that hooked on its lice-streaming tool. Facebook is basically installing its neural system into its Facebook application for iOS and Android.

Facebook additionally upgrading the style transfer technology that allowed to be connected to the video that runs for 20 frames for every second on an iPhone 6S or above without dropping the quality of the photo. Mark Zuckerberg demoed the style transfer that featured in October after the Facebook launched its first Live video filters.