Elon Musk is like the real life Tony Stark. The billionaire-entrepreneur behind the successful ventures of PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla only recently announced about colonizing mars, solar and battery powered homes. Musk has been the inspiration of many upcoming entrepreneurs.

Like the usual crowd, Musk's also tired and sick of traffic. The CEO of SpaceX in the early hours of December apparently tweeted "traffic is driving me nuts. Am going to build a tunnel boring machine and just start digging..." not even minutes in to the tweet, it was retweeted thousands of times indirectly pointing out the impact the lad has in social media.

In the following tweets, he was rather stressing on the fact that it would likely happen and even decided on the naming to be 'The boring company' because he feels that's what he would do. Looking at the calibre of someone like Elon musk, it's undoubtedly true that something like that can definitely happen. It seems like such a move might actually impact the usual flow of traffic but how?
Thom Neff, president of an infrastructure management firm indeed agreed to Elon's tweet that was reported on Press-telegram, stating that the tunnel business was a booming industry now.  He also added the fact that it was rather an expensive progress which would simply not work out cheap.

Musk is someone who's not fazed by negativity. In a recent TEDtalk where he explained that physics should be a good framework of thoughts is totally true. If going by Musk's twitter bio is very true, it's evident that he has already added 'tunnels' to it completely self-confirming that it was indeed very much going to happen. Tunneling should be very much a fun project for Musk which he aspires doing it very much in the future. Till then, let the hype train currently travel through the hyperloop if not directly to mars.