Netflix' Voltron: Legendary Defender is getting ready for its second season. Picking up from the cliffhanger of Season One, the Paladins deal with the fact that Zarkon, the show's main baddie, has a connection with the Black Lion, as well as other personal struggles.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, executive producers Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos they give their insight on what to expect on Legendary Defender's upcoming season. According to them, who have also worked as producers for Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, each of the team's members will deal with their own set of problems at the start of the season. As they were separated from each other at the end of the last season, they eventually work their way to get together again to fight as a team and form Voltron.

Another angle that would be looked into is the lingering effects of Zarkon's control of the Black Lion. As seen on the first season's final episode, he was revealed as the original Paladin for the Black Lion, and overpowered Keith easily with his mastery of the Lion. In the upcoming season, the team is more determined to improve and become better pilots to face the threats that are in front of them.

Regarding the trailer's promise of new friends and foes, Collider reports that the season will feature an expanded universe, filled with more threats and comrades for the heroes. Coming from the revelation that they can't fight the Galra Empire just by themselves, the team will be dealing with other obstacles and people that will help them in the quest to defeat the Empire.

Voltron: Legendary Defender is a reboot of the Voltron: Defender of the Universe animated series that aired in the 80's. Produced by DreamWorks Animation and brought to life by Studio Mir, it is a combination of Japanese Anime and Computer-Generated Imagery.

Season 2 of Voltron: Legendary Defender will air on January 20 on Netflix.