The next film about James Bond is set to be the 25th installment in the franchise and in the previous years after Spectre, Daniel Craig has been vocal on the role he took. Now, even though Craig said that he's still enjoying playing the charismatic agent, rumors of another casting also include the man who played Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, Tom Hardy.

According to Comic Book, Tom Hardy imposed his interest in playing the part if a director of his choosing would be also take the helm for the movie. The actor, in an interview, didn't rather said that he's going for the role indicating that there is a certain philosophy with his peers in expressing interest to play characters. But, when a question regarding the possible Bond film being directed by Christopher Nolan, director of The Dark Knight trilogy and Dunkirk, the actor said that "Oh, Wow, Chris would be amazing! That would be cool. That would be cool."

Though there is no any rumors indicating that Christopher Nolan is in talks to craft the movie, Slash Film reported that the rights for James Bond franchise has been said to go to Warner Bros., where Nolan has been comfortable as he directed several of their films. If such is to happen, fans would surely love to see a Christopher Nolan directed James Bond as he made many masterpiece of films in the recent years.

Lastly, Tom Hardy also expressed that Nolan would be a great director for another Bond film but the actor also credit the work of Sam Mendes saying that "it would be a very hard re-imagination to follow after."

Tom Hardy's Dunkirk is set to sail in July 21, 2017. Stay tuned for more updates.

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