Samsung, the tech giant responsible for the success of the Galaxy phone lineup, is reported to launch a new VR gadget before the year ends. It was claimed that the device is cheaper than its competitors Oculus Rift or Sony Project Morpheus. This information was revealed to the popular tech blog Engadget. The information came from the same source who also divulged the release of "Halo: Master Chief Collection."

The source further disclosed that sample versions of the headset had already been issued to anonymous developers and that the sample versions ran on Galaxy devices. It is said that the final model intended for consumers will operate on a next-generation Galaxy smartphone or tablet.

The new gadget from Samsung is supposed to resemble the look and feel of both Oculus and Project Morpheus. However, it is alleged that the OLED screen is superior compared to that of the Oculus Rift, not surprising considering the phone maker's experience with large screens. How the headset will sync with a user's tablet or phone is uncertain. It is also not clear if another camera is needed to track depth.

Apart from aspiring to outshine Project Morpheus and Oculus Rift headsets, Samsung also seeks to sell the gadget at a lower price than both its competitors. The source stated that Samsung is releasing the virtual reality gadget as a support to Android games. The title list is not known yet.

When asked about the veracity of the device, Samsung denied all comment on the rumors and assumptions.

Oculus has expressed its intention of mobile devices getting virtual reality support, but it is unclear whether that will still happen after Oculus VR was bought by Facebook for $2 billion early this year. Samsung might just succeed in being the first to release a revolutionary device.