Starbucks is not only famous for its coffee but it has also gained noise on the political side, as for its CEO Howard Schultz, who has remained vocal on his side of the coin.

With the new administration's immigration ban to seven Muslim countries, refugees are now stuck up on airports, facing numerous questions from the officials. These and all of President Trump's orders are now dividing the nation as protesters and supporters move forward onto their plans of propaganda. 

In a letter by Howard Schultz, he has announced his plight and his efforts to help his employees and those who will be affected by these sudden changes.  Schultz who has been openly vocal of his political affinity with Hilary Clinton was supposed to be Clinton's pick for secretary of labor had she won the election. Due to his political stand, Trump supporters cannot stand his 'politically influenced' decisions, as this was not the first time Starbucks has caused the distaste of coffee-drinking Republicans.

One of which is his decision to hire 10,000 refugees over the span of five years to 75 operating stores worldwide. However, despite having threats of social media bashing and retail store boycotts, Fortune reports that Schultz will extend more of his company in hiring veterans and active duty spouses. The outgoing CEO has assured not only of his current employees but has also expressed his support for immigrants who are part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

The coffee giant company's CEO is currently not the only one who publicizes their concerns as executives from other industries are also indecisive of the new administration's policies. Along with his message on Sunday, Howard Schultz has firmly urged others to be vigilant and vocal to what is happening nowadays.

Although the threat of low sales may materialize, there are still no signs of Starbucks boycott as U.S sales are still increasing considering the number of coffee restaurants to compete with.