Facebook will soon be implementing a new way to check for fake news and sensational stories that only want users to click on. News Feed is going to get a facelift by removing fake news, click-bait headlines and stuff that users basically don't care about. All that users will see will be a feed with things that they want to read and more personal content.

Facebook will start using a more personal way of choosing what users will see from their news feeds, says Android Headlines. These include factors that will tell how relevant a page is to a person and real-time factors too like comments coming from friends. There are also rumors that the social media giant is also coming up with an AI solution that will help maintain credibility of its News Feed page.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO mentioned before that he was thinking of developing his own AI assistant which was just like Iron Man's Jarvis. But the AI that was to be used to police News Feeds will use machine learning to verify hoax news and spam.

Meanwhile, CNBC reported that Facebook is not just intent in removing fake news in its feeds but is also looking into surpassing its rival Snapchat with a new feature called Stories. This is feature that takes videos and photos that Facebook users share through the app but the thing is, this will disappear after 24 hours. Snapchat has a similar feature with the same name however, seeing that Facebook has over 1.2 billion active users daily, Stories will be more popular in this social media platform.

Facebook users will also experience a noticeable reduction in ads in their News Feed. Around November last year, Facebook has announced that it will cut down on ads so as not to overload users with useless content. It is will now use Messenger app and Instagram to market ads which will start in countries like Thailand and Australia.