Fans did love the first Deadpool film that was shown in theaters starring Ryan Reynolds. The actor himself really did like the character which surely suited him right away and fans will be asking for more. The original film only used 2 of the Marvel characters which was seen for the first time. Now, audience are wanting to have a more familiar character and his name might Logan.

According to Independent, due to Deadpool's wide success even as an R-18 film, the next instalment is surely already in talks with Cable being casted. With this, there's an even more huge rumor that X-Men's Wolverine might also show up. However, Jackman already said that Reynolds and his crew is just making things up as the upcoming Logan film or Wolverine 3 is the last instalment Jackman will do for the franchise.

Meanwhile, Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese made sure that the fans are still optimistic. In their words, "We've come a long way from 2009, when we couldn't get the movie off the ground 'til now," indicating that they will try to make it possible.

Movie Web reported that the rumor came way back after a hoax that Ryan Reynolds will appear as a cameo in the upcoming Logan film, however, such thing isn't true. Nonetheless, it made its job to keep the conversation of a possibility going. It is surely memorable that the two already battled on the ground in the film X-Men Origins: Wolverine but there isn't much satisfaction like the comedic one in Deadpool's perspective.

Inline with that, the tone of the two films, Deadpool and Wolverine aren't just connected with the former as comedy and the latter as one with a serious nature. Still, it doesn't mean that the two couldn't come up to terms to be in one movie.

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